The "Festa dels Sentits" is a recently renovated rural hotel in the town of Sant Martí de Maldà. The Home page of the new website includes a general description of the house with images, the services offered to customers and a description of the 3 categories of rooms available at the hotel. On the other hand, the Rooms page also includes a description with images of each of the rooms. In addition, on the Activities page you can consult all the events to be held in the region and a collection of places of interest.
Mopisa S.L. is a building company specialized in railway projects that began its journey in 1999. The Home page shows the services that the construction company offers mainly in the railway field, although they also offer agricultural services. On the other hand, the main clients of the construction company are also listed. The About Us page summarizes the history of the company. The Services page describes the company's services in more detail and with images.
Fusteria Llobet is a company specializing in carpentry for the home that began its journey in 1898. The Home page lists the carpentry services they offer and a collection of images of some of their projects. Each of the products and/or services is shown on its corresponding page with images and descriptive text. On the page About us, the history of carpentry is briefly collected.
PersonalDashboard is a web application that includes different functionalities. It is made with the help of the PHP language, its framework "Laravel" and Mysql database. As for the FrontEnd, the layout of the initial page and menu are made with the "Boostrap" framework. For the layout of the Backend I have used the AdminLte template.
Regarding the functionalities of the application:
Personal Agenda application:
Restaurant menu management application:
Appointment application: